Williamsova razkrila, kaj je napisala Naomi po USO finalu

V kolumni je Serena Williams razkrila, kaj je napisala v sporočilu Naomi Osaka po njunem finalnem dvoboju na Odprtem prvenstvu ZDA. Takrat je zmagovalko zasenčil škandal Serene, zaradi česar se je šampionka počutila dolžna, da ji mora osebno pojasniti situacijo.

Serena Williams (Foto: Tennisworldusa.com)

Serena Williams se je sprla s sodnikom Carlosom Ramosom, po koncu tekme pa je nesoglasje z žvižgi izrazilo tudi občinstvo, ki je nepravično svojo jezo zneslo nad zmagovalko Naomi Osaka. Domači so bili razumljivo na strani Serene, toda Naomi je ravnokar zmagala in si ni zaslužila takšnega sprejema. Japonka je slavila pravično in pošteno, zaslužila si je prvi Grand Slam naslov.

“Hey, Naomi! It’s Serena Williams. As I said on the court, I am so proud of you and I am truly sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing in sticking up for myself. But I had no idea the media would pit us against each other. I would love the chance to live that moment over again. I am, was, and will always be happy for you and supportive of you. I would never, ever want the light to shine away from another female, specifically another black female athlete. I can’t wait for your future, and believe me I will always be watching as a big fan! I wish you only success today and in the future. Once again, I am so proud of you. All my love and your fan, Serena,” je zapisala.

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