Nadal že prispel v Melbourne

Rafael Nadal (Foto: FB Rafael Nadal)

Rafael Nadal je že prispel v Melbourne, kjer se bo pripravil na ATP pokal in OP Avstralije.

Rafael Nadal (Foto: FB Rafael Nadal)

Španec je sezono začel odlično, saj je na ekshibiciji v dveh nizih premagal Dominica Thiema. Ta teden bo branil barve španske zastave na ATP pokalu, kjer upa, da bo šel korak dlje kot lansko leto, ko so njegovi izgubili proti reprezentanci Srbije.

Nadal je bil pretekla dva tedna v Adelaidu, kjer je treniral samo z Jannikom Sinnerjem. To se mu je očitno obrestovalo, saj je v prvi neuradni tekmi sezone končal kot zmagovalec.

Včeraj pozno ponoči je prispel v Melbourne, kar je potrdil z objavo na družbenem omrežju, ki jo delimo v originalu: “From Melbourne now where we arrived late last night, wanted to thank once again the people of Adelaide and South Australia for having us these past 14 days of quarantine. Also @tennisaustralia for organizing the exhibition we played yesterday and the people who came to watch. It was great to see tennis with crowds, having fun and enjoying their time. That is also a result of how well things have been done in this country. Many thanks and hope to see you next year. And now, hi Melbourne, and thank you Victorians for having us. I’m looking forward to these next weeks. @atpcup and @australianopen, here we are.”